Lost, 2/11; “This Place Is Death”

Sorry I’m late with this, but I was in a car accident on Tuesday night (absolutely not my fault) and I’ve been dealing with insurance companies and rental-car agencies all day. Still waiting for word whether they are going to declare the car a total loss (and I really liked my car, a 2004 Dodge Neon). I was unhurt.

Anyway, I haven’t had a chance to look at lostpedia or EW’s recap yet, so discuss away!

11 thoughts on “Lost, 2/11; “This Place Is Death”

  1. I had a Dodge Neon in high school. Great little car. Incidentally, that car was also totaled.

    Glad you’re okay.

  2. Man, and I was bummed about my gym shoes getting stolen. Also glad to hear you’re all right.

    Anyhow, Lost was off to a great start this season but seems to be gearing down a bit again into semi-muddled confusion. Still, I’m into the tying off loose ends that’s going on. That really needed to happen right about now. Am not missing the flashbacks or -forwards.

  3. No injuries, which is good since I have no health insurance right now. At least I have a rental car now, so I don’t feel like a shut-in.

    As for Lost, remember that all scenes with Ben and the Oceanic Six are flash-forwards in a sense, since they take place three years after the timeline experienced by Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, et. al.

  4. Yeah. The guy said his brakes failed (I was sitting at a light when he plowed into me from behind, pushing me into the vehicle in front of me, so I had damage on both ends), but they gave him a ticket anyway. His insurance company is assuming full liabilty.

  5. As for Lost, remember that all scenes with Ben and the Oceanic Six are flash-forwards in a sense, since they take place three years after the timeline experienced by Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, et. al.

    Yes, you’re right, of course. Now I’m impressed they manage to make that as non-obtrusive as it is. Perhaps my critical sense is shot to shit with this show.

  6. Glad you’re OK, Slim.

    As far as Lost goes, I’m thinking of starting a video response every week to the myriad of questions that pop up. That way people can respond and either call me an idiot or actually give some answers. I’m sure there are other people who do it, but I’m too lazy to search. Which means I’m probably too lazy to do one myself…we’ll see.

    One thing that bothered me: Sun & Jack are all tough talk in the van about how they’re so mad they’re going to kill Ben. Ben comes up with “If you only knew what I’ve done to keep you and your friends safe” and they immediately back down like wimps. How about CALLING HIM OUT at that point??? Respond with something other than lost puppy faces…something like “OK Ben. TELL US what you’ve been doing to keep us safe.” But no, no matter how tough someone is they all crumble under Linus, keeper of the ring.

    How did Jin know Charlotte knew Korean? edit: oh wow…totally forgot about this: http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Something_Nice_Back_Home

  7. Remember last season, when Charlotte and Jin went to the station to turn off something? Jin and Sun were with them and she heard what they were saying to each other in Korean.

    If you haven’t already, check out lostpedia.org. It may have answers to your questions.

    You’re right about the Ben thing. Again, it’s withheld information that only exists in the world of drama, not real life.

  8. I usually post here and then check Lostpedia, so you get raw Joe all the time!!! Then I immediately checked and edited my comment…it has the link to the episode where Jin & Charlotte spoke. Totally slipped my mind.

  9. I’m just thankful Charlotte is finally gone. Her departure was probably the worst kept plot twist in the show’s history (due to the actress: 1) signing on as the lead in a Clooney movie that shoots at the same time 2) suddenly being removed from the regular’s list 3) not appearing in cast photos) although producers felt the need to drag it out for 5 episodes.

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