Nikki Finke Iron Man 2 exclusive…

A lot of interesting points in the exclusive casting news over on Deadline Hollywood Daily.

Let the contentious debate over the implosion of  Marvel’s film division continue! How many nails can they secure in the coffin of their downfall?

First…let’s view this in the context of Mickey Rourke as a Russian agent. Okay, a late career resurgence has bolstered the Mickster’s stock so much so that it says his deal, which started at a lowball offer, was sweetened quite a bit to entice him to take the role.

Okay…not sure I agree that he’s that important to get, but someone at Marvel obviously thinks so, so who am I to argue? Well, I have to. How important is an older actor who was popular in the ’80’s to a demographic that wouldn’t care if they saw, say an actor like Jon Hamm, who could be had a lot cheaper and do a real good Russian accent?

The same article speaking of Mickey Rourke also states that Marvel paid an undisclosed, probably large amount of money to lock up Samuel L. Jackson for as many as 9 MORE FILMS!

Okay…that is, without a doubt, a pay-or-play deal…meaning that whether or not one more film is ever made with Jackson, he will absolutely see his money. Who is running this show?

Back to Miss Scarlett…Scarlett Johansson is reportedly going to replace Emily Blunt as Black Widow. Okay…on the surface, Scarlett for Black Widow…really? Terrible decision on the surface, wrong look, wrong feel, wrong, wrong, wrong…but listen to this: they have apparently locked her in as Black Widow for any subsequent Avengers movie and whatever appearances Black Widow may have. Okay…Samuel L. Jackson is one thing. But there is a very good chance Scarlett will not be able to pull off this role. Agree? Recent history and my complete inability to see her as Black Widow make a strong case that she will not fit the role.

Did anyone at Marvel not realize that, according to the article, Scarlett did a screen test and wasn’t chosen? Who is running the show over there? On top of all of this, the news is that they got Scarlett for cheap. A good reason for that may be because her star is waning and it’s becoming common knowledge that she can’t carry a role past Woody Allen’s doorstep.

Read the article, decide for yourself, or don’t. Either way, it only continues to beg the question…who’s running the show over there?

2 thoughts on “Nikki Finke Iron Man 2 exclusive…

  1. I understand the Rourke casting, he’s the flavor of the month. Scarjo needs a hit and looks hot which is probably all they need her for.

    Personally, I don’ think half of these movies are even going to happen…but we’ll see. The rumor is that Marvel, in part, put off the Avengers for a year because they simply don’t have the financing for it.

  2. EW’s cover story this week is about IM2, with photos of Rourke and Scarjo in character . Another villain will be Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer. Don Cheadle takes over as Jim Rhodes.

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