Netflix raising prices $3.00 for Blu-Ray owners

Given that their stock value has doubled in the last 5 months, I’m not sure why they feel the need to raises prices so dramatically in the middle of a recession.  I’ve had little to no complaints about the service over the past six years, but I can see this causing a backlash:


7 thoughts on “Netflix raising prices $3.00 for Blu-Ray owners

  1. What??? And I just ordered a blu-ray player!!!
    I didn’t even know they charged a $1 premium. Hmm. I may stay with renting DVDs

  2. Even worse: someone on the four-at-a-time plan just told me their rate is going up FOUR dollars. That’s a $5.00 premium per month for Blu Ray rentals.

  3. And you KNOW that an increase for streaming will be coming down the pike later this year. The latest Netflix survey asks users if they’d be willing to pay an additional $10.00 a month for access to content from HBO and Showtime.

    I would, but only if we’re talking 100% HD and same day delivery of series/movies (example: not waiting a month to watch the latest Big Love)

  4. My blu-ray player arrived yesterday, finally and I installed it in my media center. It’s the LW GGW-H20L that is a combo Bluray/HD-DVD player, with Blu-ray writing capabilities along with DVDrw, cdrw and Lightscribe. A monster drive!

    Anyway, I put in my first bluray disc and it told me HDCP failed to be enabled. FREAKIN’ copy protection….the software tells me my monitor (TV) is not HDCP compliant, but the manual says it is. Methinks Cyberlink’s PowerDVD is the problem.
    Thankfully AnyDVD HD bypasses it, but I’m not shelling out another $70 for the software on top of what I paid! I have the 21-day trial version and can watch bluray for the next 3 weeks. Maybe I’ll get Cyberlink to fix it before I pay the moolah….

  5. Anyway, I put in my first bluray disc and it told me HDCP failed to be enabled. FREAKIN’ copy protection….the software tells me my monitor (TV) is not HDCP compliant, but the manual says it is. Methinks Cyberlink’s PowerDVD is the problem.

    Could be the cables … seems I’ve read about this problem when connecting with component cables instead of the HDMI. Possible?

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