Random Thread for Nov-Dec 2020

Here in Melbourne we’re finally getting out of lockdown after being under it for effectively 5 of the past 6 months and it just made me think of whether future generations will be able to imagine what it’s been like to live through this pandemic; the ennui, the lack of activity, how days just merge into each other so you not only don’t know what day it is, but what week it is sometimes. Art will eventually attempt to do so but nothing will convey what a blur this year has been.

In other matters, sort of been out of the loop of what has been released on streaming because cinemas weren’t viable and saw that a remake of ‘The Witches’ starring Anne Hathaway and directed by Robert Zemeckis has been made and, by all accounts, pretty dreadful. The decline in Zemeckis’ film career has been pretty stunning in the past 15 years; really think the development in special effects has been to the detriment to his work and one of the reasons for his decline.

2 thoughts on “Random Thread for Nov-Dec 2020

  1. “Art will eventually attempt to do so but nothing will convey what a blur this year has been.”

    Agreed. The oddest year of my life in many ways but my inability to even track time properly (Monday seems like it was a week ago) has left me completely disoriented.

  2. Went back to the cinema for the first time pre-COVID today; mask-wearing is still mandatory everywhere in public but if you bring drinks or food to the cinema you can take it off while watching the film.

    Was nice to go back albeit I went in an afternoon session where there was only a handful of people there; would prob be a bit uncomfortable if it was packed to current capacity.

    And the film I saw was the Liam Neeson crime drama ‘Honest Thief’. Neeson seems to have played this type of character a million times in the past decade and the premise doesn’t really hold up but it’s an entertaining and slick enough time waster, something there hasn’t been much to indulge in this year .

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