Super Audio CD

A little while back I got a new DVD player that also has Super Audio CD capability. I haven’t had much chance to put the SACD side to good use, since I’m usually in the car when I listen to CDs and there aren’t a ton of SACD discs out there. Yet that doesn’t explain […]

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Werner Herzog’s sense of scale

In today’s Answer Man column from Roger Ebert, someone asks about why the Discovery Channel was so brutal in adding so many commercials to their presentations of Grizzly Man. Unfortunately the Discovery Channel is how first saw the documentary and I suspect the commercial breaks every 8 minutes or so had a lot to do […]

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Saint Jack (1979)

Maybe this is a well known film that I’ve completely missed but I received this in the mail from Netflix the other day with no recollection of when or why I had put it on my queue. Looking at the IMDb page it looks like the rest of the world has mostly passed it by […]

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