Yikes! Bitter much?

The people connected with Brokeback Mountain, including me, hoped that, having been nominated for eight Academy awards, it would get Best Picture as it had at the funny, lively Independent Spirit awards the day before. (If you are looking for smart judging based on merit, skip the Academy Awards next year and pay attention to […]

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I recently purchased the Frankenstein Universal Legacy collection, which consists of five Frankenstein films from Universal’s Golden Age of horror. It is impressively packaged, and contains lots of good extras (although there is a feature with hack director Stephen Sommer, who made the god-awful Van Helsing). Film historian Rudy Behlmer provides excellent commentary, and there’s […]

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Back from Japan

Well, I’m back from Japan so I’ll be able to contribute something now. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to cram in a visit to a Japanese movie theater during my week there (though I looked at posters outside a couple) so my movie viewing for the last week was limited to the flights back and forth […]

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