The Proposition

The best film I have seen this year so far. Having not seen more than a plot synopsis and no trailer, I came into this one pretty unprepared. Not that there is anything to prepare yourself for, save some pretty brutal action. This is just a plain excellent Western. Guy Pearce plays one of two […]

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Dave Chappelle’s Block Party

Directed by Michel Gondry. Released by Rogue Pictures.  Man, did this ever die at the box office this weekend. There weren’t too many people in the theater when I went the other day, but that was at 11:45 AM on Saturday morning. So I didn’t think much of it. But it’s a very good film. […]

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THE Zodiac

“Oh boy, David Fincher’s new film! Trailer out already! Gotta see. Man, this site sure takes a long time to load. Bandwidth must be straining with everyone going to see the Finch’s latest opus. Here goes! Big blue eye. Hello. Tick-tick-tick text. Very red. Where does it say Trailer? Gotta be Scenes. Yay! There it […]

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