When Conan came to Finland

For those of you who watch Conan O’Brien, tonight’s show is a must-see. It covers, and I’m guessing effectively ends, that bizarre episode in Finlandic history when Conan found out about Finnish president Tarja Halonen, and decided to help her in the Finnish national elections. Mostly because they looked alike.Apparently the whole hour will be […]

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A Word on Commenting

Two things have come to my attention regarding the comments. First, the “Recent Comments” on the sidebar only pull from posts on the front page. In response, I’ve changed the settings so that the posts stay on the front for 14 days instead of seven. If you want to respond to something older, start a […]

Read More A Word on Commenting

Night Watch (Nochnoi Dozor)

WARNING: This post contains a lot of plot points. Ordinarily, I’d say that they were “spoilers,” but that would imply that revealing them would compromise the viewing experience. In this case, everything’s too arbitrary for the revelation of plot points to matter one way or the other, but consider yourself warned nonetheless. Despite the warnings […]

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Origami for me

Ever since I spilled coffee all over my faithful old Dell laptop (how does a computer sound when it dies? *pssssssss… rum-rum BEEP! Plop* blackness), I’ve been looking for something to replace it. In my haste to complete some schoolwork I bought my current desktop for $350 on an auction site from some suspicious looking […]

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The Real Natalie Portman

A few days late with this, but if anyone hasn’t seen it yet, they need to. Another hilarious SNL digital short, this time with Natalie Portman. These things keep getting funnier and funnier. I didn’t think I could possibly like Natalie Portman any more, but I would totally go straight for her now. Natalie Portman […]

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