The Sex Pistols Were No Good

Let me just preface this by saying that I know I’m not the majority on this one. Many people with great taste in music love the musicians that I am about to shit all over, and although I respect those people’s opinions, I disagree with them. “Oi! Let’s piss in people’s ears an call it […]

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This says it all

This was John Lydon’s reponse when the Sex Pistols were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They won’t be attending. Can’t say as I blame him. Gotta love them!

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Maureen Stapleton, R.I.P.

Maureen Stapleton passed away at the age of 80 today. She was a terrific character actress, probably because, as someone once said of her, (it might have been herself) that she looked like a cleaning lady that you might see riding the bus. Probably her most famous film role is the one she won the […]

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