V for Vendetta

Directed by James McTeigue. Screenplay by The Wachowski Brothers. Released by Warner Bros. Pictures. NOTE: I’m not really all that good at knowing what constitutes a spoiler, and I’m not prone to worry about it all that much. You might see the movie before reading this review if such things concern you. So, first things first. […]

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Inside Man

What is everyone’s anticipation of Inside Man? The trailer intrigues me. I’ve only heard one person’s opinion, and that was when Wells linked to Emmanuel Levy, who raves. And, of course, it’s directed by Spike Lee, which also intrigues me. Lee’s career has been interesting, to say the least. I loved Do Right the Thing, […]

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The Death of bicycle bob

This happened like a week ago, but it’s still worth mentioning. How many of us read The Hot Blog? As I’ve no doubt mentioned before, I really respect Poland, even though from time to time his role as holier-than-thou ombudsman of film journalism gets a bit rich, none the less, the man can dredge through […]

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Dream On Silly Dreamer

Just finished watching Dream On Silly Dreamer for a DVD review I have to do for MousePlanet. This isn’t a movie that is going to be of interest to many people. For the most part it is a headshot documentary with Walt Disney Feature Animation artists in the weeks following the announcement in 2002 that […]

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