Weird news day

– Brett Ratner is directing Beverly Hills Cop 4
– Michael Bay is producing a Ouija movie for Hasbro.
– Garbage frontwoman Shirley Manson (who, to my knowledge, has never acted before) has signed to be a regular cast member on FOX’s The Sarah Connor Chronicles
– The trailer for the Fred Durst directed family sports-comedy, The Longshots, has been released.
– Christian Bale has done a “Got Milk?” print ad in full Bat-costume.
– Clay Aiken has apparently gotten his 50-year-old producer pregnant.
– I found a doll head, buried in sand, underneath my oil tank (image above). As the only child to live in this home prior to my son was the original owner’s daughter (who died in her teens) I’m assuming it was hers. I’m also assuming that her vengeful spirit will begin haunting me in the days to come.

6 thoughts on “Weird news day

  1. That picture of the dollhead is like som teenage emo artwork.

    Sad to hear about Murray. You sort of hope against hope that the kookiness on display with some actors is mostly for show or that they’re at least good people deep down. Apparently not so with Murray.

    My suspension of disbelief is stretched really thin watching Bale with the milk lip.

  2. I actually took down the Murray thing. While weird, it was too depressing.

    Emo kids: please feel free to use my doll-head picture for your avatars or black t-shirts.

  3. What was the news about Murray? That he’s getting a divorce? Is he running around with a teenage girl?

    Never mind, just read the story on

  4. You sort of hope against hope that the kookiness on display with some actors is mostly for show or that they’re at least good people deep down.

    I get around this by mostly not caring about whether they’re good people or not. Can never really know anyway.

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