Your least favourite movie theme song

Surfing on YouTube made me think of the topic question: what is your least favourite theme song for a movie?

Two stand out for me:

– Paul McCartney’s title song for the 1985 comedy ‘Spies Like Us’. Hated that song when I heard it years ago and still hate it now. Probably surpasses ‘Coming Up’ and ‘Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da’ as my least favourite McCartney song.

– MC Hammer’s infamous ‘Addams Grove’  for the 1991 big-screen version of The Addams Family’. It’s bad enough that it’s such an obnoxious tune, but it’s even worse considering how ill-fitting it is for the film (and such a poor substitute for the theme song of the 1960s TV series).

Feel free to add as many as you wish.

19 thoughts on “Your least favourite movie theme song

  1. Interesting question.

    There are several James Bond themes that are obvious candidates, starting with Tom Jones’ “Thunderball” and Gladys Knight’s “Licence to Kill”.

    Will Smith’s “Wild Wild West” was a tremendous beatdown to hear on the radio back in the day.

    As much as I love Groundhog Day, the “I’m Your Weatherman” song (not sure if that’s the real name) that plays over the opening credits is very annoying.

  2. A few more:

    You mentioned McCartney … his “Vanilla Sky” was extremely mediocre also. Don’t know if I’d go so far as to say I hated it, but it’s of much lesser quality than the film itself.

    Don’t know if it qualifies as a theme song, but I always hated the updated “Lady Marmalade” for Moulin Rouge.

    And I think we can all agree that Boyz II Men’s update of “I Will Survive” for the Schindler’s List soundtrack was a bad move.

  3. There have been far less of these in recent years. Kind of a 60’s through early 90’s thing.

    With very few exceptions: the theme song for any comedy in the 80’s was god awful.

    Speaking of Smith: always hated his Men in Black theme.

  4. And I think we can all agree that Boyz II Men’s update of “I Will Survive” for the Schindler’s List soundtrack was a bad move.

    Fantastic. Weird twist: i was just racking my brains to figure out a fake song that The Lemonheads could have done for Schindler’s List or Howard’s End. Great minds…

  5. Not sure it was terrible, seeing how much I listened to them at the time, but:

    Turtle Power by Partners in Crime, from the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

    Go For It from Rocky 5.

  6. Wait a minute..!!!!
    You bag on my ellipses all you want…but, you’ve gone too far saying Eye of the Tiger is one of the worst!
    Too far, sir…far too far…
    I may get banned over this one…

    And it’s Survivor, Nick!…the band is Survivor…

  7. Stayin’ Alive? Bad? Pshaw! I hate disco, but that’s a great song. And I love Eye of the Tiger, but that’s due to the fact that they play it before all the Princeton hockey games (Princeton’s team name is the Tigers).

  8. They have good intros but these call-to-manhood themes just make me embarrassed for the people into them (“just a man and his will to survive”? “you can tell by the way I walk I’m a woman’s man”? ahahaha, oh you poor people), especially when it sounds like the singers had their balls caught in a vice.

    Wait a minute..!!!!
    You bag on my ellipses all you want…but, you’ve gone too far saying Eye of the Tiger is one of the worst!
    Too far, sir…far too far…
    I may get banned over this one…

    Yeah, you’re killing me here with the dots, so let’s call it a draw.

  9. As much as I love Groundhog Day, the “I’m Your Weatherman” song (not sure if that’s the real name) that plays over the opening credits is very annoying.

    Then I assume you wouldn’t be interested in a Groundhog Day Broadway musical?

    No, me neither.

  10. Then I assume you wouldn’t be interested in a Groundhog Day Broadway musical?

    Just to save you time in the future, the answer to any question with the “Then I assume you wouldn’t be interested in [insert title here] Broadway musical?” format is “No.”

    It’s like Mad Libs, except the story is exactly the same no matter how you fill in the blanks.

  11. Is this whole hatred of Broadway musicals the real reason why you hated Moulin Rouge and why you refuse to see any of Luhrmann’s other films? Come on, Brian, you can tell us.

    Apparently “I’m Your Weatherman” was written by Harold Ramis for the film.

  12. Apparently “I’m Your Weatherman” was written by Harold Ramis for the film.

    I’m sure hearing it as 25 showgirls dance with umbrellas in front of a giant weather map will only be slightly more annoying.

  13. Is this whole hatred of Broadway musicals the real reason why you hated Moulin Rouge and why you refuse to see any of Luhrmann’s other films? Come on, Brian, you can tell us.

    I saw Australia.

    Anyway, I don’t “refuse” to see his other films. They just haven’t come up.

    It may be why I hated Moulin Rouge, however. I do have to allow the possibility.

  14. Brian, have you ever seen a Broadway musical? I don’t mean the film version of one. There are some good ones, and two playing right now that are among the better ones: Guys and Dolls and West Side Story (this production, intriguingly, has some of the songs sung by the Puerto Ricans in Spanish).

  15. I saw Wicked here in Chicago, and a production of Anything Goes in Jacksonville when I was a kid, which I enjoyed only because it felt like a really grown-up thing to get to do at the time. Other than that, no.

    It’s simply something I don’t understand, and generally it’s too expensive to pursue enough to acquire the taste. It’s like a person who doesn’t like football trying to force themselves to go to games – simply not worth the expense unless you have enough disposable income not to miss it.

  16. I’m sure hearing it as 25 showgirls dance with umbrellas in front of a giant weather map will only be slightly more annoying.

    Honestly, if the stage version had Bill Murray doing the routine on stage I just might be forced to sell some stuff just to get to Broadway.

    I saw Australia.

    Oh, didn’t see it on your list. I see now that you saw it in 2009. Was checking 2008.

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