AGEBOC ’10 – June 25-27

Predict the #1 film for the weekend of June 25-27 2010.

The one who predicts closest to the total Friday to Sunday gross for the #1 film wins 4 points. Runner-up gains 2 points. Predicting within half a million earns 2 extra points.

Bonus questions:

1. Will Grown Ups earn over or under $35 million over the 3-day weekend?

2. Will Knight & Day earn over or under $25 million over the 3-day weekend?

Deadline is Wednesday, June 23 11:59 pm (blog time).

To find out the rules of the game, go to the main thread for AGEBOC 09.

AGEBOC 10 score

cartoon_crown1_9cs9Brian: 13.5
cartoon_crown1_9cs9Jackrabbit Slim: 13.5

James: 10.5
Rob: 10.5
Joe Webb: 9.5
Filmman: 7.5
Jeanine: 6
Juan: 4.5
Nick: 3.5
Marco Trevisiol: 3

27 thoughts on “AGEBOC ’10 – June 25-27

  1. Since Knight & Day is being released on Wednesday, the deadline is for tomorrow instead of the Thursday we’ve done for the past couple of weeks.

  2. Apparently Toy Story 3 is doing extremely good business this week… 2nd biggest Tuesday in Disney’s history. May need to up my estimate…

  3. No one likes a snarky Swede.

    (Kidding of course, everyone loves a snarky Swede.)

    And I guess I need to start mixing up my guesses to be a bit less predictable…

  4. James misses out! Where is James? I thought he’d be in on guessing whether this weekend definitely endeth the reign of the Cruise.

    Marco Trevisiol: Toy Story 3 – $77 million
    1. Under
    2. Over

    Juan: Toy Story 3 – $72 million
    1. Over
    2. Over

    filmman: Toy Story 3 – 71 million
    1. Under
    2. Over

    Nick: Toy Story 3 – 69 million
    1. Over
    2. Under

    Brian: Toy Story 3 – $66 million
    1. Under
    2. Over

    Rob: Toy Story 3 – $65.43 million
    1. Over
    2. Over

    Joe Webb: Toy Story – 63.636m
    1. Over
    2. Over

    Jeanine: Toy Story 3 – 61 mil
    1. over
    2. over

    Jackrabbit Slim: Toy Story 3 – 57 million
    1. Over
    2. Over

  5. I’m pulling for Cruise here. I’d actually like to see him topple Toy Story 3, but that’s just not going to happen.

  6. If the estimates at are correct, it’s looking good for Jeanine and Joe, as TS3 is estimated to hit 62 million. Grown Ups should hit 40 million for an over, while Knight and Day will be around 19 mil for the three-day, or under (only Nick will get that half point).

  7. You know me, I always feel the need to root for the underdog. Cruise has been battered relentlessly the past five years and I really don’t think he deserves it.

  8. I’ve seen some of the promotions he and Diaz have done for ESPN. Seems kind of undignified for an actor of his stature to do that sort of thing. Doesn’t seem to have helped, either.

    I may get some points this week–the Hollywood Reporter’s estimate is Toy Story 3 at 59 million, so it could be between me and Jeanine!

  9. Knight and Day is Cruise’s worst action debut since Days of Thunder, which would have made more than Knight and Day with inflation.

  10. I agree with James, the constant bagging of Cruise has come pretty tiresome and excessive.

    It’s not like he’s someone who’s a talentless hack or thrown away his talent for money on rubbish projects for years (as severeal of his famous acting contemporaries have).

    His record of films since he broke out with ‘Risky Business’ in the last 25 years is pretty solid and consistent and would stack up well against many of his contemporaries in the same period imo.

  11. I’ve been a fan of Cruise for a long time, but seeing his career crumble is fascinating, considering how invincible he seemed before. He’ll still be around and people will probably be working on his comeback as long as he lives, but he’ll never be as big as he was. Guys like him, Harrison Ford and Bruce Willis are becoming (are?) relics of an earlier era.

    Close call again, so will wait in the actuals.

  12. I don’t think Bruce Willis belongs in the same tier as Ford and Cruise. He never really had an extended run without a complete box office wipeout (or two, or three). Willis could never command a huge opening weekend like Cruise or Ford could just on the strength of his name alone, although ironically his best period (the late 90s/early 00s) was probably after the Die Hard series was finished. For all intents and purposes, anyway.

    Travolta was up there for awhile, until Battlefield Earth brought that to a screeching halt. I mean, A Civil Action opened to $15 million.

  13. Jeanine and Jackrabbit win this round! Jackrabbit emerges into the lead! Brian is unseated! Good guesses, people.

    Incidentally, the scoreboard is now looking more level after half of the summer season than it ever has. Sweet.

    1. Toy Story 3 – $59,337,669
    2. Grown Ups – $40,506,562 (= Over)
    3. Knight & Day – $20,139,985 (= Under)

    Marco Trevisiol: Toy Story 3 – $77 million
    1. Under
    2. Over

    Juan: Toy Story 3 – $72 million
    1. Over +0.5
    2. Over

    filmman: Toy Story 3 – 71 million
    1. Under
    2. Over

    Nick: Toy Story 3 – 69 million
    1. Over +0.5
    2. Under +0.5

    Brian: Toy Story 3 – $66 million
    1. Under
    2. Over

    Rob: Toy Story 3 – $65.43 million
    1. Over +0.5
    2. Over

    Joe Webb: Toy Story – 63.636m
    1. Over +0.5
    2. Over

    Jeanine: Toy Story 3 – 61 mil +4
    1. over +0.5
    2. over

    Jackrabbit Slim: Toy Story 3 – 57 million +2
    1. Over +0.5
    2. Over

  14. I don’t think Bruce Willis belongs in the same tier as Ford and Cruise. He never really had an extended run without a complete box office wipeout (or two, or three). Willis could never command a huge opening weekend like Cruise or Ford could just on the strength of his name alone, although ironically his best period (the late 90s/early 00s) was probably after the Die Hard series was finished. For all intents and purposes, anyway.

    Travolta was up there for awhile, until Battlefield Earth brought that to a screeching halt. I mean, A Civil Action opened to $15 million.

    Agree about Willis. For someone who’s been labelled a major box-office star for a couple of decades, his overall record is very patchy. Even in the period you cite as his best period, he had two bombs (‘Breakfast of Champions’ and ‘The Story of Us’) in the same year.

    And it’s true about Travolta that despite his career seemingly being an endless series of comebacks from career ruts that in the period from Pulp Fiction until Battlefield Earth that he was pretty reliable (although there were disappointments with ‘Mad City’ and ‘Primary Colors’ in that time as well).

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