Opening in Las Vegas, January 25, 2019

Calm weekend. The highest grossing new film was The Kid Who Would Be King (66). The King Arthur story for the junior set. Looks like a pleasant outing for parents and kids, I may just rent this someday, as I am a fan of Arthuriana. They keep making movies about this story although they never […]

Read More Opening in Las Vegas, January 25, 2019

The 91st Oscars: Mexican Standoff

Two major changes in the Academy Awards over the last ten years has adjusted how Oscar geeks like myself have speculated on who will win the statuette. The preferential voting system, which insures that the Best Picture winner must get over fifty percent of the vote, and the push after #OscarSoWhite to have a younger, […]

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Review: Vice

Christian Bale, at last night’s Golden Globes, thanked Satan for his inspiration in playing Dick Cheney. And I believe writer and director Adam McKay also called upon the Dark Lord for inspiration, as his film Vice, a biopic of one of the most reviled politicians in American history (he left office with a thirteen-percent approval […]

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