The Bounty

Went and rented these yesterday. Video store has a good deal where you can rent four films for four days for forty-four crowns (around $5.50). That’s what them yellow stickers say, anyway.

Haven’t seen Meet the Feebles, despite repeated rentals and several opportunities, so that’s fucking first. Only seen parts of Seabiscuit and Wrath of Khan, or I just remember them pretty badly, so that might be some well earned restitution. On theirs or my part, don’t know. And though the word on Intolerable Cruelty was mixed and mostly negative, it’s a Coen brothers I ain’t seen.

All in all, with this and V for Vendetta booked tomorrow, might be a good movie weekend.

4 thoughts on “The Bounty

  1. I love “Meet the Feebles” and have seen it about 5 times. That is one messed up movie.

    “Intolerable Cruelty” is all right, but probably my least favorite Coen brother movie. Part of that, though, may be that it is one of least accurate movies in terms of getting the law right. And when the movie is about a lawyer and several key ploy points depend on the law, that’s a problem.

  2. I loved Intolerable Cruelty. I agree that it is one of the Coen’s weakest films, but a bad Coen film still better than a regualr film.

    The law inaccuracies didn’t bother me. You have to watch it as a screwball comedy, the facts and plot details really aren’t important, it’s all about the back-and-forth between the two romantic leads.

  3. I love Intolerable Cruelty. I also was not bothered by the law inaccuracies since the presentation of actual humans is so inaccurate as well.

    Frankly, I thought it was a different kind of effort from the Coens but no less worthy.

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