Flight 93 – Predictions?

Yesterday, Jeff posted a short Wired piece that named The Inside Man and Flight 93 as the two sure things mentioned in some other article.

He has said similar things about Flight 93 in the past. I’m wondering what you all think, predict for this movie.

I’ve seen the trailer in theaters twice now and both time the reaction around me both times was the same. It really is an emotional trailer, but it left people around me muttering that they didn’t think they could sit through the actual movie.

Personally, I’ve read enough of the blow-by-blows of the real event that I don’t really have much interest in seeing a recreation of it. My wife won’t see it because she expects she’d be crying from the opening credits to the closing credits.

All in all, I’m left wondering if even though five years have passed that it might still be too soon for such a movie to be a big commercial success.

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